Secretary I Profile


  • Nursuhana is an audiology clinician at ORL Department, Hospital Taiping, Perak. She hold Bachelor Degree of Health Sciene (Honours) Audiology from University Sains Malaysia (USM).
  • In addition to serve as clinician at hospital with Ministry of Health and Secretary 1 of MANSA, she also engage in active participation in Technical Committee of Audiology, Ministry of Health Malaysia as members of Census’ Committee and Promotion and Publication’s Committee.
  • She also an actively making valuable contribution as executive committee for Persatuan Alumni Audiologi Universiti Sains Malaysia (PAAUSM) as secretary and Persatuan Audiologi dan Terapi Pertuturan Taiping as treasurer.
  • With her 13 years experience in clinical audiology and various experience as executive committee, task force, and members of audiology-based society, she has an extensive background to lead in MANSA in secretarial roles.


  • Secretary I of MANSA

Role of Portfolios

  • Carry out the operations of the Society in accordance with the rules and carry out the instructions of the general meeting and the Committee.
  • Responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping all books, documents and paper in secretarial role.
  • Attend all meetings and record all proceedings for committee and members’ reference.

Standpoint and Focus in Audiology

  • Clinical audiology focusing on awareness program, tinnitus as well as interest in pediatric population; pre and post amplification and rehabilitation